Before every family photo session, we like to get to know our clients a little bit better than a name on a paper. This helps us and them. We both feel more comfortable and it helps us tailor their session more towards the beat of their drum. Sometimes this can only be done through emails, but most of the time we meet in person for a consultation. Once Courtney scheduled her session and we started asking questions, we knew this was going to be a good session. Courtney described her young family with such passion and awe, I felt like I was reading a best-selling novel.
She described her oldest daughter, Alex, as “incredibly inquisitive and so full of energy and life.” Alex did not disappoint, she pretty much ran this session like a boss!

She told us her youngest, Josephine, is “a pleasant and happy baby.” Which, for a teething baby, is winning the baby lottery! This little girl went all morning without a single tear while in teething pain. Such a champ.

And she and Brian hadn’t had any photos since they were married almost seven years ago. I’m so glad Courtney decided to put an end to that photo-less streak! Because, are you kidding me, look at these two!

We ended up doing the entire session in and around Frank Fetch park in German Village, a park they frequented. I had been to other parks in German Village, but had never had the pleasure of visiting Frank Fetch. It was clear why Courtney wanted to do the session here. It is small, but gorgeous park maintained by volunteer members of the community. There is plant life everywhere, as well as a some bee life. A few of the hives housed in the park were being maintained that day by Nina Bagley, a local beekeeper who generously offered up some of the goods.

I had a great time hanging out with this amazingly cool family all morning. It’s easy to see why Courtney wanted to capture this “beautiful, joyful, exhausting but most of all fleeting stage” in their lives.
We may not be able to freeze time completely, but it is nice to freeze moments in it. As Ferris so eloquently put it, “life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

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